A progressive small town living the Good Life in Nebraska
Did You Know...
The latitude of Chambers is 42.205N. The longitude is -98.748W.

Median household income
Local $24,750
National $41,994

Born in the same state 283
Born in another state 59
Born outside the US 0
Naturalized citizen 0

Male 153
Female 180

15 or younger - 57
16-24 - 31
25-44 - 68
45-64 - 98
65+ - 79

AVERAGE AGE - 44.5 years

Chambers is the only town located on State Highway 95 in southern Holt County in north central Nebraska. US Highway 281 is 5 miles east of Chambers and State Highway 11 is 11 miles West of Chambers.

Miles to nearest Interstate hwy Interstate 80 (I 80) - 97 miles
Miles to nearest four-lane hwy
US 281 near Grand Island - 80 miles
US 276 near Norfolk - 75 miles

Destination Distance by Hwy.
Omaha 199 miles
Lincoln 199 miles
Chicago 674 miles
Dallas 737 miles
Denver 505 miles
Kansas City 390 miles
Los Angeles 1517 miles
Minneapolis 454 miles
New York City 1448 miles
St. Louis 641 miles